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  • Kapverden Windsurfen Sao Vicente
  • Wingsurfen Kapverden Sao Vicente Winfoiling

    Santo Antao

    Santo Antão is the nearest island to São Vicente and is especially known for its hiking routes and spectacular views. The combination of ocean and high mountain terrain, palms and pine forests, along with the fact that this island remains largely untouched by mass tourism, makes Santo Antão perfect for a few days' escape from the strong winds of São Vicente.

    Windblown by the strong trade winds, São Vicente is primarily covered with rocky hills and sparse vegetation. Visitors can plan a one- or even two-day trip to nearby Santo Antão to enjoy its lush landscapes. To fit the trip into a single day, an early morning start from the port of São Vicente is necessary, followed by a one-hour ferry ride. Note that strong winds in the channel between the two islands can sometimes delay the ferry, making the ride longer.

    Once you reach the port of Santo Antão, there is plenty to explore: a towering mountainous massif, deep valleys filled with an abundance of plants such as papaya, mango, sugarcane, bananas, avocados, and more. You can also witness the production of the famous grogue or papaya jam.

    Santo Antão isn’t the only island you can reach by ferry from São Vicente, but it is the most accessible. From the same port, you can take a ferry to São Nicolau, an island that rivals Santo Antão in beauty. The ferry ride to São Nicolau takes about four hours, though flights are also available as an alternative.