Discover the Home of the wind!
WIND Part of the Barlavento's group of islands, Sao Vicente is one the windiest places in Cape Verde with wind statistics showing approximately 90% of days in the winter season with winds between 15-25 knots. When the winds arrive to the Sao Vicente area, the island creates one of the most powerful Venturi effects by transforming the winds in scale and increasing them up to two or three times. The winds enter the island on the north shore through a natural 15km-long mountainous channel, following the direction of the Passat and ending at the famous Sao Pedro beach. This means that normal days with winds arriving from the north side of the island with speed of 10-20 knots can be transformed by the natural island formations into winds ranging between 15 to 30knots. Sao Vicente is where the heavyweight, strong-wind enthusiasts and speed freaks can find the perfect combination of desirable wind, warm temperature, fairly short distance flights, within an affordable budget.
You can relax!
The wind is on your side. Enjoy a long breakfast and take your time to prepare - the conditions usually kick in around 11am and winds stay strong all through to the end of the day. The best period to windsurf is between 11am and 3-4pm, but you can generally be in the water all day anytime between 9am and 5pm.